The phenomenon of hair loss is now considered pathological due to the serious psychological and social damage it causes in the person concerned.
Hair loss is a problem that affects a high percentage of people, both men and women. Finding a treatment that restores the appearance of the past is a desire of both.
The Haquos Center offers its patients solutions that are personalized and attentive to their needs, to guide them on a tailor-made beauty path that leads to long-lasting results.
What kind of treatment is it?
Treatment that reduces the effects of baldness through a personalized therapy that acts on problems highlighted during the medical examination.
What is that?
Therapy that involves both topical and systemic treatment.
Systematic treatment corrects any nutritional deficiencies, metabolic imbalances or enzymatic alterations.
Medicines, phytotherapics or supplements chosen with specific blood chemistry tests are generally administered.
In the topical treatment, however, the pharmacological substances prescribed will only act locally.
For example, topical treatment uses lotions to be applied to the scalp that contain drugs that stimulate hair growth. It is therefore a therapy that intervenes in the specific shortcomings of each patient and only where it is necessary.
How long does it take to see results and how often is the treatment repeated?
The results will be visible after about a couple of months and after about 4/6 months a check-up visit will be necessary to verify the correct procedure of the therapy.
It must be said that the prescribed therapies must always be evaluated over time and modified according to the patient's condition.
How is the treatment carried out?
The treatment is always carried out at an ambutalory level with cycles of 4 sessions on a weekly basis.
What time of year is it recommended to carry out the treatment?
The treatment can be performed at any time of the year, as it is not an invasive surgical treatment.
Safety and Quality
For both topical and systemic therapy, the drugs used meet high standards for their quality and efficacy.
Of course, all the drugs used are dermatologically tested and created in order not to act aggressively on the skin.
However, the specialists of the Haquos center make sure of the dermatological conditions of each patient through specific preliminary tests aimed at excluding any risk.
The staff of the Haquos center is highly specialized and available to each patient to follow him from the first meeting in a personalized path and attentive to both the physical and psychological characteristics of the person.
It should not be forgotten, in fact, that very often hair loss can be caused by stress or emotional tension; the task of the Haquos experts is therefore the understanding and assistance of the patient at 360 °, going to intervene up to the root causes of each pathology.
If you wish to have a first orientation meeting with our experts, book your appointment now .